Creed, Symbols, & Traditions
I believe that the true spirit of Fraternalism is a personal devotion to one’s ideals. It has its roots in definite, tangible things. It springs out of a love of God and worth of one’s fellow man. It grows into qualities of mind and soul. It is not the attitude toward a few selected ends, but rather the abiding spirit in which all things are done, all difficulties met, all successes received, all obstacles overcome.
I believe that the true spirit of Fraternalism is a breath that breathes itself into the life and being of those who live it, becoming an unconscious part of them, ruling and molding their thoughts and acts. We may call it the right attitude towards life, towards the world, towards right and wrong, towards the beautiful and good, towards duty and faith in God.
I believe that the true spirit of Fraternalism is a thing that grows. It is first associated almost exclusively with a narrow circle of fellow students, but it broadens with a widening understanding until it takes in all the important relationships of life. It enters the domain of private life as thoroughly as in public life. It teaches the fulfillment of obligations to school, state, and church.
I believe that Sigma Tau Gamma endeavors to bind men together in a fraternal brotherhood based upon these eternal and immutable truths, which are set forth in the Principles and in the Code of Conduct of our Fraternity.
In this belief, I will endeavor to make my college and my own chapter of Sigma Tau Gamma more honored and respected by all men and will endeavor to conduct myself so that I will ever bring credit and honor to our Fraternity.
Edward H. McCune
Founder and Past President
Symbols and Traditions
Sigma Tau Gamma’s high ideals and timeless principles are explained fully in our esoteric Ritual that is reserved only for members. But, many public symbols are used to communicate Sigma Tau Gamma’s beliefs.
Official Colors: Blue and White
Secondary Colors: Red and Yellow
Our four colors originate from the Coat-of-Arms.
Coat of Arms

The coat of arms was adopted in 1927 and modified in 1954. The symbolism of the coat of arms is explained in the Ritual. The coat of arms has several important components including the crest of 18 links, the Chain of Honor; the helmet of a knight, our mascot; and the Greek letters. The original coat of arms, as adopted in 1925, featured a handshake, a lamp of knowledge, the founding date, and a chain of five links symbolizing the number of chapters at the time of the first convention.
The Membership Badge
The Badge, which all members may purchase and wear, is the principal symbol of membership. The Badge was adopted in 1927 and modified in 2016. The symbolism of the Badge is explained in the Ritual. The Badge was modeled after the Coat-of-Arms and consists of a blue shield with three points. In the center, there is a chevron with black that adorns our Greek letters and below the chevron is a lamp. The Badge may have a gold or pearl border and may be further embellished with rubies. The standard gold badge is provided to each new member at the time of initiation.
The Associate Pin
The pin, worn by associate members of the Fraternity until initiation, is silver with a blue shield. The symbolism of the associate pin is explained during the Associate Member Ceremony. The Associate Pin is the chapter’s property and is returned to the chapter at the time of initiation by the new member.
White Rose
The White Rose is the flower of Sigma Tau Gamma. Its meaning is explained in the ritual. Each chapter traditionally holds an annual White Rose banquet. The Chapter’s White Rose is crowned annually and serves as the Chapter’s official hostess throughout the year.
Each chapter is encouraged to nominate its White Rose for the title of “The Dr. Maurine Achauer National White Rose of Sigma Tau Gamma Award,” who is selected from among all other chapter nominees. The “White Rose” is the Fraternity’s guest at the summer national meeting of the Fraternity, and is recognized at the annual Awards Banquet. The recipient receives a scholarship from the Sigma Tau Gamma Foundation.
Tokens of Membership
Each new initiate of the Fraternity receives a membership certificate. Each of these is die stamped with the Coat-of-Arms in full color and bears the signature of the National President, the Chief Executive Officer, and Chapter President. Replacements of membership certificates may be ordered through the Sig Tau Marketplace.
Founders Day
Each chapter and affiliate group is asked to observe Founders Day on or near the June 28 anniversary of the Fraternity’s founding. Generally, a dinner with an appropriate program or ceremony is held.
Fellowship Day
Since Founders Day occurs during the summer months, a special day for celebrating Sigma Tau Gamma Fellowship is observed on February 26. Chapters and Alumni organizations are encouraged to conduct an inspirational program based on the Principles, Creed, and Ritual of the Fraternity.