Board of Directors

The Sigma Tau Gamma Board of Directors cares for the Fraternity between meetings of the Grand Conclave. Members of the Board include the President, President-elect, four Members at Large and the two immediate Past Presidents of the Fraternity. The President-elect and four Members at Large are chosen by delegates of the Grand Conclave at the biennial meeting and serve a two-year term.

Mike Van Camp

Indiana State 42nd National President

Mike Van Camp began his service and leadership with Sigma Tau Gamma almost immediately after initiation into the Delta Tau Chapter at Indiana State University. As an undergraduate, he held various chapter positions including standards board chairman, vice president, and president. Following graduation, he served as a district director from 2010 - 2013, and was very active in the Delta Tau Alumni Association, including as president from 2013 - 2016. In 2017, he began serving as a Trustee for the Sig Tau Foundation and was elected as President-Elect in 2022 at Grand Conclave Kansas City.

"20 years ago, I started a journey at the Delta Tau Chapter. Every year since has been such an amazing experience. I believe Sigma Tau Gamma offers an opportunity to every Brother. It is up to each Brother to decide what to do with that opportunity. For me I soaked in as much knowledge, skills, and advice that I could. I then harnessed those lessons to help my development as a person, leader, and Brother. I owe so much to Sig Tau and that is why I continue to volunteer and give back to our Brotherhood. It is truly and honor and a privilege to be elected as the 42nd National President of Sigma Tau Gamma. I am thrilled to work alongside a great Board of Directors and staff to enhance that Brotherhood experience," Van Camp said.

Professionally, Van Camp is Vice President of Administration for Vans Industrial. He is in charge of overseeing all business-related aspects, oversees all contracts, purchase orders and insurance related matters.

Christian Ely

Southern Indiana President-Elect

Christian Ely was initiated into the Gamma Phi Chapter at Southern Indiana in 2012. He served the chapter as executive vice president and as president. After graduation, he became vice president for the Gamma Phi Alumni Association, and has been an advisor to the Gamma Phi Chapter since 2018. In 2015, Ely was named the Ellsworth C. Dent Man of the Year and is a Notable Morris Fellow of the Wilson C. Morris Fellowship of honored Foundation donors.

“I am honored by the opportunity to give back to an organization that means so much to me. Sigma Tau Gamma offers experiences and the chance to build relationships that can truly change ones life. I'm excited to be able to do my part to ensure that Sigma Tau Gamma continues to provide meaningful experiences to the membership," Ely said.

Professionally, Christian is a Double Certified Hand and Wound Therapist living in Houston, Texas. Originally from Indiana, he graduated from the University of Southern Indiana with a double major in Exercise Science and Kinesiology, then an MS in Occupational Therapy. He went on to specialize in hand and upper extremity rehabilitation and wound care. Currently, he works at All American Orthopedics as a hand therapist as well as serving in the Education Division of the American Society of Hand Therapists.

In his free time, Christian enjoys staying active, driving his jeep to the beach, exploring craft breweries and distilleries, and relaxing with his English Bull Dog “Jyn.”

Jeremy Daus

UW – River Falls Past President

Jeremy Daus was initiated into the Gamma Nu chapter at the University of Wisconsin – River Falls in 1996. As an undergraduate, he served in multiple roles, including executive vice president. As an alumnus, Daus would serve as lead advisor to the Gamma Nu Chapter, held the position of vice president for the Gamma Nu Alumni Association, and was very involved as a regional volunteer. He served as a district director from 2005 - 2008, and then as regional Vice President until 2011. Daus was elected to the Board of Directors in 2014, and was voted as President-Elect in 2018 at Grand Conclave Phoenix.

“Being elected as President is one of the greatest honors of my life and one of the greatest responsibilities because my Brother’s put their trust in me to stand up and lead. I am truly humbled in taking on this role because our Fraternity’s success today, rests upon the shoulders of the men who’ve brought us to this point and it’s my responsibility to continue to advance Sig Tau’s Vision and Purpose for the next generation of Noble Men,” Daus said.

Professionally, Daus is Executive Director of the Tempo Brand at Laureate Education Online. In his role as Tempo general manager, he is responsible to drive department strategy, business growth, strategic marketing, operations, and customer service within the strategy and transformation division of Laureate Online.

He lives in Minneapolis, Minnesota with his wife, son, and their black Labrador retriever. He is an outdoorsman who enjoys kayaking, skiing, hunting, canoeing, and camping. As an avid photographer, Daus has done exhibitions to display and sell his work in both Minnesota and Wisconsin.

Jim Johnston

Carnegie Mellon Senior Past President

Jim Johnston was initiated into the Delta Xi Chapter in 1997 at Carnegie Mellon. As an undergraduate, he served as Chapter President, Executive Vice President, and Vice President of Finance. As an alumnus, he has served as Three Rivers Regional Vice President, Assistant Dean of the Webb Academy of Principled Leaders, and on the Board of Directors. Johnston was recognized as an Ellsworth C. Dent Man of the Year Finalist in 2001 and received the Winebrenner Medal for Distinguished Fraternity Service in 2007. He is a Celebrated Morris Fellow of the Wilson C. Morris Fellowship of honored Foundation donors.

“I want to give back to an organization that has given so much to me. I would not be where I am today with my career or personal life without my fraternity experiences. I’ve always been inspired by a simple quote from our past Fraternity and Foundation President, Michael Schermer, which is, ‘Just make it better for the next guy,’ and I want to bring my experiences back to strengthen and grow our organization,” Johnston said.

Professionally, Johnston is a Business Unit Manager for Aerotech Inc., a manufacturer of precision motion and automation equipment headquartered in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He is responsible for growing the business in both revenue and profit each year at a global level.

Johnston has a passion for traveling, experiencing different places and cultures, food, home improvement projects, hiking, biking, kayaking, aviation, museums, amusement parks, reading, and learning new facts.

John Barger

Murray State Director

John Barger was initiated into the Epsilon Eta Chapter at Murray State University. Brother Barger offers unique and diverse experiences that can help guide the fraternity's strategic direction and ensure its continued growth and positive impact. As a Board member, he prioritized making a meaningful difference in brothers' lives—his unwavering commitment to fostering a principled environment, excellence, brotherhood, and fraternal success.

John has dedicated his life to service. He has led full—and part-time positions with the Kentucky Army National Guard throughout his career. As an Army Engineer Officer, I am blessed to have commanded outstanding Company, Battalion, and regimental-level units. As a Department of Defense civilian specializing in major construction planning and programming, he was twice promoted to Director to oversee teams of 15-20 employees and manage an average annual budget of $15,000,000.

John has been deeply involved in Sigma Tau Gamma since it was initiated in 1991. He was a founding father and chapter president of Epsilon Eta (Murray State), Epsilon Eta Chapter Alumni Association president, chapter advisor at Zeta Beta (Cincinnati) Chapter, and Sigma Tau Gamma Foundation Trustee from 2018-2022.

Brother Barger, and his wife Leanne live and work in central Kentucky. They have two children: Sarah Grace and Owen.

Robert Champ

Cameron University Director

Robert Champ was initiated into the Gamma Rho Chapter at Cameron University.

Jason Fanning

Emporia State Director

Jason Fanning was initiated into the Delta Chapter at Emporia State University.

Paul Phillips

Southeastern Louisiana Treasurer

Paul Phillips was initiated into the Phi Chapter at Southeastern Louisiana University.