Trustee Application Trustee Description First Name* Last Name* Preferred First Name Street Address* Address Line 2 City* State / Province / Region* Postal / Zip Code* Country* Phone Number* Primary Email Address* Birthdate * Name of the College/University Attended * Graduation Year* Name of Employer* Position with Employer* Why do you want to serve on the Sigma Tau Gamma Foundation Board of Trustees? * What roles do you feel you could contribute to for the Sigma Tau Gamma Foundation? (Check all that apply) * Fundraising Investment Planned Estate Giving Financial Management (Accounting) Alumni Relations Young Alumni Relations Family and Friend Connections Grants/Scholarships Legal What skills, resources, and expertise do you have to offer and are willing to use on behalf of the Foundation? * Please describe any fundraising experience you have had.* Please describe any experience you have working with or serving on a non-profit board.* What volunteer positions or committees have you previously served for Sigma Tau Gamma?* Please describe any connections or relationships you can help cultivate in the Sigma Tau Gamma community.* What changes or ideas would you like to implement or assist with by serving on the Sigma Tau Gamma Foundation Board of Trustees?* Do you currently donate to the Sigma Tau Gamma Foundation? * Yes No If you do currently donate to the Sigma Tau Gamma Foundation, why do you donate? If elected to the Board of Trustees, will you be able to attend up to three (3) face-to-face meetings a year? * Yes No If elected to the Board of Trustees, will you or your company be able to cover any expenses incurred during your term (transportation, lodging, meals, telephone, etc.) not covered by the Foundation and make a minimum gift commitment of $2,400 unrestricted annually? * Yes No The Sigma Tau Gamma Foundation has to be a registered solicitor in each state. As such, the states require that we disclose whether or not a Trustee has been convicted of a felony, or any crime involving fraud, theft, or related to the solicitation of money. Have you been convicted of any of the above? * Yes No Please select the term length you would be most comfortable serving in if elected. (Check all that apply) * One Year Two Years Three Years