2017 Undergraduate Hall of Fame is Announced

Ten noble men have been announced as the inductees for the 2017 Undergraduate Hall of Fame. These men were selected by past Dent Man of the Year recipients after a rigorous application and selection process. Not only is it one of the highest honors an undergraduate member can achieve, with the selection, each Hall of Fame member is now a finalist for Sigma Tau Gamma’s Ellsworth C. Dent Undergraduate Man of the Year. The honor includes a significant scholarship thanks to the Sigma Tau Gamma Foundation Dent Endowment. At the Endeavor Conference in Minneapolis, June 22 – 24, each of these men will be presented as a 2017 undergraduate Half of Fame Inductee, with one man receiving the honor of becoming Dent Man of the Year. Get to know each 2017 Hall of Fame Inductees by reading their bios below. Congratulations Brothers!
Brandon Bishop, Arizona State ’14
“He is respected by his peers, has a passion for helping others, and is a great representation of a noble gentleman.”
 A member of the first group of Founding Fathers in 2014, Brandon was selected as the chapter’s first vice president and eventually elected chapter president and instrumental for the chartering materials. He managed his chapter responsibilities while also being heavily involved in the Student Government Association as chief of staff and later became Student Government Association Student Body President. Brandon is attending graduate school at the University of Denver for Higher Education Administration this fall with hopes to impact the future of universities and make education more accessible.
Nicholas R. Cota, Winona State ’13
“Nick is very well organized, a visionary, and seeks to make this world a better place.”
Initiated in 2013 at the Winona State Chapter, Nick would later go on to serve his chapter as executive vice president and most recently, chapter president. Aside from working towards his degree in business administration & marketing, Nick has also held numerous campus positions including student senate and ROTC. Nick has been awarded the Army Commendation Medal and Global War on Terrorism Service Medal, among others.
Brock Edwards, Southern Indiana ’14
“Leading by example, Brock balanced campus leadership, academics and work ethic with strong moral character.”
A 2014 initiate, Brock has held numerous positions since joining the chapter including ritual coordinator, philanthropy coordinator, vice president of programs, and chapter president. Outside of the chapter Brock was elected vice president of Best Buddies and was a member of the 2016 homecoming court. With more than 500 recorded service hours, he has received numerous recognitions in the chapter and on campus. He was also selected as a Noble Man Facilitator. Brock has already started working with mild interventions at a local elementary school with aspirations of becoming an administrator some day.
Alex Maggard, Kansas State ’14
“He sets the example for his peers and underclassmen by his actions – he does not simply lead or direct, he participates and shares the burden.”
A 2014 initiate of the Kansas State Chapter, Alex was selected to serve as the first chapter president and stepped up when the chapter needed him again. A food science and industry food business and operations management major, Alex also was a Battalion Executive Officer in ROTC and was recently commissioned as an officer in the Kansas Army National Guard. Alex anticipates a military career and will see his first deployment to Kuwait next year.
Tyler Misuraca, Central Missouri ’12
“He exudes positive energy, passion for UCM, initiative to be a leader within his organizations and role model to others.”
Tyler joined the chapter at Central Missouri his first semester on campus and found a place working with service and philanthropy. Over time, he expanded his outreach to standards board and chapter president. During his time at Central Missouri, Tyler was heavily involved in homecoming planning, Interfraternity Council, and was a three-year admissions ambassador. Tyler has received recognition from UCM for his leadership and involvement and is currently employed with the UCM admissions office. This summer Tyler is working towards his Master’s in Aviation Safety.
Joshua Moore, Purdue ’14
“As I look at leaders, my top criteria are the ability to bring change and lead organizations in strategic thinking…he does both”
Joining Sig Tau in 2014, Josh quickly became involved with the chapter by participating as part of the recruitment team. He would later go on to serve as new member educator and chapter president. At the campus level, he was the vice president of the Institute of Industrial Engineers, president of Unite Campus, and founded Boilers Supporting Boilers. Josh has been hired as a technology consultant for Deloitte and seeking to complete his MBA.
Daniel Robinson, Duquesne ’14
“He is a very strong leader by how he lives his life; people feel compelled to be better around Dan because he is a role model.”
Initiated in 2014, Dan quickly found a home with Sigma Tau Gamma. He began serving his chapter and becoming involved as a recruitment coordinator and expanded to communication coordinator. After serving in those two positions, he went on to become chapter president. Beyond the chapter, Dan served the IFC community as vice president of recruitment while also being a member of the Red Cross Club and Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. Dan was selected as a facilitator for the Noble Man Institute and recipient of the Greek Man of the Year and honorable mention for the Duquesne’s Student Life Leadership Award. Dan will begin his professional career in Pittsburgh, PA working for a financial firm.
Jacob Schriner-Briggs, Youngstown State ’13
“Jacob is considered one of the most influential, credible student voices on our campus.”
A 2013 initiate, Jacob has held countless roles within his chapter, Youngstown State, and broader Youngstown community, all while maintaining a 4.0 GPA. In addition to his two years as a recruitment committee member, Jacob was the 2016 Chapter President and three-term executive vice president for Student Government. He was a Leslie Cochran University Scholar, made Dean’s List every semester and is a member of both Order of Omega and three other honor societies. Jacob aspires to attend law school for constitutional law and teach as well.
David Solon, Alabama ’14
“David leaves a mark with his open, thoughtful personality. He is well-spoken and intellectual, and he lights up when talking about ideas.”
Having joined the chapter in 2014, David has left a mark by serving in several capacities for the Epsilon Phi Chapter. He served as new member educator, fundraising chair, and ultimately chapter president. David’s impact extends beyond the chapter though. He served in several capacities for the Student Government Association, including being selected to a chair position in 2014 – 2015, and was voted as a senator to represent the College of Communication and Information Sciences from 2015 – 2016.
Preston Wolfe, William Woods ’15
“People see him as a leader and know that any task he takes on will be done well.”
Originally selected as the chapter’s first vice president upon their installation in 2015, he later would go on to serve a second term. Preston was instrumental in the chartering process for their chapter and took the lead on the chapter’s petition. A member of Order of Omega and Deans List, Preston is planning on attending graduate school in Colorado before continuing to medical school to become an orthopedic surgeon. He is the 2016 recipient of the Hillman/Musial Sportsmanship Award.