Clay Gaddis, Alabama Reflects on his first year as a Sig Tau

As school starts up again this fall, so does recruitment and the chance to continue to build noble generations of men! We recently checked in with Clay Gaddis, Alabama; Clay was initiated in 2016 and attended the Noble Man Institute the November following his initiation. Read below to find out about Clay’s experience so far as a brother, what Sig Tau means to him, and what he looks forward to as a brother.
Q: As a potential new member, why did you ultimately choose Sig Tau?
A: Going to the University of Alabama the Greek life here was definitely intimidating and finding a place where you fit in is so important. I had a list of things that I wanted to see in a fraternity. I was a legacy of Kappa Sigma at UA and having a brother who had gone through that all he really taught me that it’s all about finding your home and being comfortable in where you’re at. I wanted to be in a fraternity that taught values and good morals and how to teach me to be a better man. I went to many rush events and never found really a place that I felt comfortable in. I found Sig Tau through a friend who told me to just come to one rush event and meet some of his brothers. I talked with the brothers there and I really liked their Principles and what they believed in and when I received a bid it was not even a tough decision to accept. I knew that I found my home and I never looked back.
Q: What are a few things you have learned since officially becoming a brother of the Fraternity?
A: Since joining Sig Tau, I have learned how to see everyone’s points and not just the one I think is right. I have also learned to how to ask for others if a task gets difficult.
Q: Can you tell me about your experience last year at the first ever Noble Man Institute?
A: Last years Noble Man conference taught me many important leadership skills and it also exposed me to things I usually would have never done. Not only did I grow closer to my brothers from Alabama that went but I also made a bond with my brothers from across the country. I learned what it truly meant to be a noble man and why it’s always important to want to be like that.
Q: What does being a Noble Man mean to you?
A: Being a noble man means to always be on your best behavior and be respectful to others and their opinions. It also means to strive to be the best in everything but to always give credit to others for helping me a long the way. It also means to be to always reach to be a leader.
Q: What is your favorite Principle, and why?
A: My favorite principle is the principle of Excellence. In all my time wherever I’m at, I’m always striving to be the best I can be and I don’t let something that seems impossible be impossible.
Q: What are you most looking forward to this year as a brother?
A: I am really looking forward to meeting the new members that will come to join our fraternity and what I can learn from them.
Founded in Warrensburg, Missouri at the University of Central Missouri. On June 28, 2020, the fraternity will commemorate its 100th Anniversary. Today, there are more than 2,500 undergraduate members on 76 college/university campuses in 30 states. There are 60,391 living alumni. The Fraternity is headquartered 60 miles east of downtown Kansas City in Warrensburg, Missouri. Additional information about the fraternity is available at