Epsilon Chi Receives Charter

Published on February 5, 2014 in News, Press Releases

February 5, 2014 – 37th National President, Tom Morgan, Phi ¢85, presented a charter on Saturday February 1, 2014 to 75 collegiate members of the Epsilon Chi Chapter at Auburn University in Auburn, Alabama. The installation ceremony was held at the Auburn Marriott Opelika Hotel & Conference Center at Grand National on Saturday evening. This marked the official welcome of the collegiate members of Epsilon Chi Chapter to the Brotherhood of Sigma Tau Gamma.

More than 150 people, which included Auburn University Officials, family members, significant others and Sigma Tau Gamma alumni attended this event. Amanda Clare, Interfraternity Council Graduate Advisor and William Whittelsey, Auburn Interfraternity Council President, represented Auburn University Greek Life at the event. Notable Sig Tau alumni in attendance included: Southern Region Vice President Drew Allen, Gamma Omega ¢˜06, Morgan, and Vice President of Strategic Growth, Michael Smoll, Delta ’03.

Featured speakers included Associate Professor of Journalism at Auburn University and Epsilon Chi Faculty Advisor Dr. John Carvalho, Cooper Chesebro, Epsilon Chi ¢15, who served as the second provisional chapter president, Allen, and Smoll. Morgan delivered the Installation Address, which encouraged the collegiate members to strive for excellence.

In addition to the speeches and Installation Address, the collegiate members presented several awards based on the Six Principles of the Fraternity to several outstanding brothers. In recognition of their chartering, the collegiate members also presented to Morgan and Smoll a framed portrait of Auburn University. This gift will be displayed at the Marvin Millsap Headquarters Building in Warrensburg for visitors and brothers to see.

œAuburn University has many significant traditions and a strong fraternity and sorority community,¢ said Smoll. ¢œSince the beginning, Sigma Tau Gamma has had an excellent relationship with the Auburn University Office of Greek Life. Much credit for bringing Sig Tau to campus goes to former Associate Director of Greek Life, Bo Mantooth, who was instrumental in helping Sigma Tau Gamma expand to campus. Additionally, the credit for the on campus recruitment efforts must go to former Expansion Counselors Paul Manly, Epsilon Rho ¢11, and Derek Kaimann, Beta ¢09, who did an exceptional job. The collegiate men need to be commended as well as they have started a new tradition of excellence on their campus.¢

This is the first Sig Tau chapter ever chartered at Auburn University. Expansion Counselors Manly and Kaimann began on the campus recruitment during the Fall 2012 semester.