Nate Hodson & His Brotherhood Story

Rome wasn’t built in a day, but the Mu Chapter at Southeastern Oklahoma State was rebuilt in a week.
Meet Nate Hodson, Southeastern Oklahoma – this is his brotherhood story.
In the fall of 2018, the 89-year-old chapter was struggling and was eager for new leadership and enthusiasm. After access to a comprehensive list of unaffiliated campus leaders from student affairs, fierce local alumni support from the likes of Gary Arnett, Southeastern Oklahoma, and a week-long visit from HQ Staff; the Mu Chapter was ready for their new start.
One of the reasons behind Mu’s now brighter future was a newly recruited junior, quickly turned Chapter President, Nate Hodson. Although apprehensive at first, but sold by Gary, conversations with trusted campus partners and HQ Staff, Nate realized the opportunity to pioneer and see through the revitalization of an older chapter was too great of an opportunity to pass up.
“The history of Mu Chapter was crucial and a huge driving force; knowing how much the chapter meant to the university, and how many great men have come from Mu, like Society of Seventeen inductee Pat Phelps. We were given a chance to rebuild this and bring it back to its glory. We all came into this knowing that we were not doing this for ourselves but so this chapter has a bright future. We wanted to continue this rich history and not squander that.”
Now about to graduate and become an alumnus of Sig Tau, it is not lost on Nate the importance of his time as President of the Mu Chapter.

“It’s an honor, to say the least to be given and trusted with the opportunity to be Chapter President. To be in the circle of saying that I was a Sigma Tau Gamma Chapter President is a huge honor and a label that I will carry with me forever.”
Nate hopes that the next generation of Mu brothers look at his time in the chapter and as Chapter President as “where the new direction started”. He hopes that they will feel and understand that Mu is the chapter it is today, because the vision was set forth and followed through by their chapter brothers.

To Nate, the Principles are personal. “I love the emphasis on Citizenship. There is a mindset that as a college student you are supposed to be dependent and not have any type of real impact yet. There is a mindset that you are given a pass to not care about anything around you and to just focus on yourself,” Nate said.
“But my experience with Sigma Tau Gamma has been the exact opposite. Citizenship is huge. We have always been striving to see what we can do to help the community. It is really cool to see a group of us, that from a cultural standpoint are expected to just sit back and not make an impact, but instead, through the Principles, we are going to do what we can to be good citizens in our community.”
As Nate wraps up the final moments of his collegiate career, he hopes to continue this Principle of Citizenship as he gives back to Sig Tau through support of the chapter. He plans to remain active and involved as an alumnus and to continue to support his brothers in any way that he can.
We’re pleased to highlight Nate and his Sig Tau story during this Founder’s Day Challenge. He is one of many brothers helping to Honor our History and Build our Future. Donate today to celebrate brothers like Nate and help us raise $100,000 to celebrate Sig Tau’s 100 years of Brotherhood.
Founded at the University of Central Missouri on June 28, 1920, the organization will commemorate its 100th Anniversary in 2020. With a presence on 81 campuses in 29 states, our membership includes more than 2,700 undergraduate men and 63,000 living alumni. The Headquarters, which is home to the Fraternity, Foundation, and WPN Housing Company, is located in Indianapolis, Indiana, 12 miles from the center of downtown. Visit for additional information.