Loyal Donors Send Over 100 Sig Tau Leaders to Noble Man Institute

Black Hills State University California University of Pennsylvania
Colorado State University Emporia State University
Frostburg State University Henderson State University
Henderson State University Indiana State University
Iowa State University Kansas State University
Lindenwood University-Belleville Metropolitan State University of Denver
Michigan State University Purdue University
Robert Morris University Texas Tech University
The Ohio State University University of Arizona
University of California-Merced University of Central Arkansas
University of Central Missouri University of Cincinnati
University of Colorado Boulder University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
University of Missouri University of Nebraska at Kearney
University of Nevada-Reno University of North Carolina at Charlotte
University of Southern Indiana University of Wisconsin-La Crosse
Wayne State University Western Michigan University
William Woods University Winona State University
Listed above were the chapters who were able to attend and participate in the 2018 Noble Man Institute. Sigma Tau Gamma would not be able to provide undergraduate members with the educational leadership programming such as Noble Man Institute without the generous and loyal support of those who give their time, talent, and treasure to the Sigma Tau Gamma Foundation. Because of loyal donors, like you, the Sigma Tau Gamma Foundation was able to provide grant funding for the 2018 Noble Man Institute sites of Indiana and Colorado!
Noble Man Institute is a member’s first opportunity to meet brothers from around the country, experience a national leadership program, and dive deeper into their lifelong commitment to Sigma Tau Gamma. Investing in leadership programming like Noble Man Institute challenges our members to live courageously and harness their nobility to lead others. The Institute centers around the six principles while bringing together alumni and undergraduate members of Sigma Tau Gamma from across our regions to develop leadership skills, expand knowledge of the fraternity, and facilitate team building.
Since the Institute was established in 2016, the post-event attendee survey data shows that the learning outcomes of the program are impacting the program attendees, propelling them into leadership roles, and strengthening the chapter experience and performance. Additionally, there has been year over year increases in participation at Sigma Tau Gamma national leadership development programming including Webb Academy, Endeavor Conference, and Grand Conclave, that provides transformational experiences for the attendees.
“I wouldn’t be here today at Noble Man without your support to the Sigma Tau Gamma Foundation. Thank you for choosing to donate to the Foundation and support brothers like me. Your kindness does not go unnoticed.” – Brother Matthew Rothermich, Missouri
“After Noble Man I have learned so many skills and gained tools to thrive.” – Brother Jacob McEachern, Cincinnati
“I have grown incredibly as a gentleman because of Sigma Tau Gamma. This institute has spear-headed this growth by giving me direction, motivation, and ideas to bring back to the Zeta Omega Chapter at Ohio State” – Chip Sattler, Ohio State
“Because of your generosity, it gives opportunities to young Noble Men like me to have the experience I will never forget. Sig Tau has been a true blessing for me this year and I couldn’t be more thankful for what you do.” – Brother Matthew Kigar, Western Michigan
Founded at the University of Central Missouri on June 28, 1920, the organization will commemorate its 100th Anniversary in 2020. With a presence on 86 campuses in 31 states, our membership includes over 3,300 undergraduate men and 61,000 living alumni. The Headquarters, which is home to the Fraternity, Foundation, and WPN Housing Company, is located in Indianapolis, Indiana, 12 miles from the center of downtown. Visit https://sigtau.org for additional information.