Your Purpose as a Noble Man at Noble Man Institute

“My promise to you, is if you show up on time and with an open mind, we’ll take care of the rest. I guarantee it will be one of the most meaningful weekends you have in 2022, and likely during your entire collegiate experience,” says David Hidinger, Oklahoma State. David is an alumnus of the Epsilon Psi Chapter at Oklahoma State University and has served as a lead facilitator for Noble Man Institute multiple times since 2017.
By now, you’ve probably seen some level of communication asking you to register for Noble Man Institute and you probably haven’t yet because you have no idea what it is.
Let’s talk more about Noble Man and the impact it can have on your membership experience.
Noble Man Institute is an exciting outdoor retreat-based leadership program for newly initiated members of Sigma Tau Gamma. Noble Man Institute is the Fraternity’s national new member development program and is often the first time that many members get to experience the full scope and breadth of the National Fraternity. The Institute centers around our six Principles while bringing together alumni and undergraduate members of Sig Tau from across the country to develop leadership skills, expand knowledge of the fraternity, and facilitate team building. While this program tends to cater to new initiates, the alumni of Sigma Tau Gamma do still hold Noble Man Institute close to their hearts because it gives them an opportunity to pay their experience forward to the next generation of Noble Men.
“The opportunity to give back to Sigma Tau Gamma, an organization that has played a central and pivotal role in my development as a man is what keeps me coming back to facilitate. There’s a quote ‘Society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they know they shall never sit in’ – a nod to the long-term thinking that is required for true generational success of any organization or country,” Hidinger said.
While I’m not old per se, I’m certainly no longer a college student, and I see Noble Man Institute as my opportunity to plant the seeds of trees that I may never sit under. Plus, the food is solid, the company is enjoyable, and the camp is nice,” said Hidinger.
There is a Venn diagram that consists of your personal values on the left, our six Principles of Sigma Tau Gamma on the right and the true gift to Noble Man attendees comes from understanding the middle and how to tie your Sig Tau experience to your daily life.
Registering for Noble Man is a powerful first step in understanding what the path to nobility has meant for generations of Sig Taus who have come before you, and how that can relate to your experience today.
Registration for Noble Man closes on October 17.
Founded at the University of Central Missouri on June 28, 1920, Sigma Tau Gamma Fraternity celebrated 100 years of brotherhood in 2020. In the last 100 years, the organization has called 198 campuses home and has more than 75,000 initiated members. With a current presence on 63 campuses from coast to coast, our membership includes more than 2,500 undergraduate men. The Headquarters, which is home to the Fraternity, Foundation, and WPN Housing Company, is located in Indianapolis, Indiana. Visit for additional information.