2021 Summer Conference Transitions to Focus on the Future of New Member Education

INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA – After a year of conversations with undergraduate brothers, reviewing the current Path of Principles New Member Education Program, and having student leaders and national volunteers of various backgrounds serve on a member education committee, the 2021 summer conference will be focusing on the new Sigma Phase of the updated Path of Principles Member Education Program.
The Path of Principles Member Education Program is transitioning to become a three-phase program – Sigma Phase, Tau Phase, and Gamma Phase – creating educational opportunities for brothers from first-year students to seniors.
Continued elevation of member education is paramount for Sigma Tau Gamma. The new Path of Principles Member Education Program aims to create a more holistic approach for today’s undergraduate brothers.
Society of the Seventeen Inductee and Foundation Board of Trustee member D.W. Cole, Truman State, serves on the current member education committee and was Sigma Tau Gamma’s National President when the original Path of Principles Program was launched.
“Reviewing the member education process is something the organization has needed and one that will create better and stronger chapters,” Cole said. “We are aiming to include more history of the organization, have sent surveys to brothers gauging what current undergraduate students need, and are working with trusted partners in higher education. Our Centennial year provided the perfect timing to focus on the future noble men of Sig Tau.”
In lieu of our typical summer program, a select group of undergraduate leaders and national volunteers will travel to the University of Maryland this June for hands-on training and Sigma Phase beta testing with the intention of redefining our education process. The Sigma Phase will be unveiled to undergraduate officers in January at the 2022 Webb Academy of Principled Leaders and to convention attendees at Grand Conclave Kansas City in June 2022.
Founded at the University of Central Missouri on June 28, 1920, Sigma Tau Gamma Fraternity celebrated 100 years of brotherhood in 2020. In the last 100 years, the organization has called 197 campuses home and has more than 73,000 initiated members. With a current presence on 75 campuses from coast to coast, our membership includes more than 2,700 undergraduate men. The Headquarters, which is home to the Fraternity, Foundation, and WPN Housing Company, is located in Indianapolis, Indiana. Visit https://sigtau.org for additional information.