Be Noble and Enjoy Spring Break

From all of us here at Headquarters, we wish you a very safe and fun spring break! We encourage you to make this year’s spring break memorable by having fun and helping yourself, your friends, and others stay safe and healthy.
On the move…
- On road trips, take turns behind the wheel so the driver remains alert. Make sure everyone has a valid driver’s license, and that the vehicle’s registration and proof of insurance are in the car. Never leave valuables unattended within plain sight.
- You can download maps for offline viewing using Google Maps. Keep a copy of your route or a physical map in the car in case you lose cell service.
- Stay alert while utilizing a taxi, Uber, Lyft, etc. Check your route and make sure you are going in the right direction. All licensed taxis have some sort of ID or badge, and when using Uber or Lyft, you will see the driver’s name and picture. Make sure you are getting in the right vehicle.
- Do your research before embarking on a trip and observe any travel warnings.
- Carry a single day’s worth of cash, and if you have them, a debit and credit card on your person. Leave all unnecessary valuables in your hotel safe. Remember, in a mugging or robbery, the only irreplaceable thing is you.
Poolside or at the beach…
- Sun can maximize the effects of alcohol, leaving you with a bad sunburn and an even worse hangover. Know your limits if you choose to drink alcohol, and always stay hydrated by drinking lots of pure, clean water. If you feel faint or lightheaded, get shade and water immediately.
- Use waterproof sunscreen of at least SPF 15 and reapply every two hours or after swimming or toweling off. Pay special attention to your tender ears, nose, face, feet, and shoulders! Remember that you can burn even when it’s cloudy.
- Never swim alone or while intoxicated. Even the most experienced swimmers can get caught in a rip current or undertow. You can’t beat the power of the ocean, so don’t fight the current. Swim parallel to the shore until you can break free of the current.
If you’re drinking…
- If you do decide to drink, be responsible and safe. Decide before you go out what your limits should be. The best time to make decisions about your personal boundaries is when you are sober and have a clear mind.
- Know the liquor laws of the location you’ll be vacationing. Don’t break the law. Drinking and driving is always dangerous and illegal, so use a designated driver or ridesharing service, and never get into a car with an intoxicated driver.
- Pace yourself: everyone metabolizes alcohol differently, and the way alcohol affects you depends on how often you drink, what kind of alcohol you’re drinking, your weight, and how much you’ve eaten.
- Come with your friends, leave with your friends. Look out for one another and be an active bystander
Finally, many of us will be on the hunt for the perfect Instagram post to sum up your break. As noble gentlemen, we know your daily actions and spring break experiences will be reflective of Sigma Tau Gamma’s Six Principles – put your best foot forward by ensuring your social media posts reflect the same!
Founded at the University of Central Missouri on June 28, 1920, the organization will commemorate its 100th Anniversary in 2020. With a presence on 85 campuses in 31 states, our membership includes more than 3,300 undergraduate men and 61,000 living alumni. The Headquarters, which is home to the Fraternity, Foundation, and WPN Housing Company, is located in Indianapolis, Indiana, 12 miles from the center of downtown. Visit for additional information.