Brotherhood Throughout the Years

“… if your Sig Tau experience stops at graduation, you’re missing out on the best part of being a part of this organization.” – David Hill, Central Arkansas ’84.
Brother Hill impeccably articulates the essence of Sig Tau Brotherhood. Even many years after graduation, many Sig Tau men, regardless of their alma mater or the year they were initiated, will attribute much of their life experience, both during their collegiate years and now, to Sig Tau.
The clothing style, music choice, and sports powerhouses may change throughout the years, but one that thing that remains ever steadfast is the Brotherhood.
David Hill, Central Arkansas ’84; Chris Goodlett, Murray State ’94; Ryan Raven, Pittsburg State ’99; Matt Mueller, Central Missouri ’14 were all initiated on different campuses in different years but share the same guiding Principles of a Sig Tau Noble Man.
Q: Tell me about your decision to join a fraternity, and then ultimately Sig Tau.
David Hill: As the only guy from my high school class to attend UCA, I was a typical freshman my first semester trying to figure out the college thing. Roger and Don were always available for help, they never “rushed me” – they truly mentored me. The reason I pledged Sig Tau was because of the character of those guys. I pledged in the spring semester of 1984. What stands out the most was that it was a big commitment of time. We learned a lot about giving respect to everyone (sometimes even when it wasn’t deserved). The day I picked up my bid, upon walking through the door all of the members lined up, clapped, and cheered.
Matt Mueller: My decision to join a fraternity, like many other new, incoming freshman, was largely influenced by my unfamiliarity with college as well as the anxiety of needing to make all new friends with almost nothing to build off of. I remember the process like it was yesterday.

Q: Sig Tau commits to building noble men, instilling our Principles, developing personal values, and sharpening social and leadership skills. Can you speak on this in regard to your experience?
Ryan Raven: The public speaking opportunities within the chapter and on campus have given me the confidence and ability to prepare for numerous formal presentations and trainings. The social interaction among diverse personalities and backgrounds while in the chapter has served me well in the business world. It taught me to always learn about someone’s life experiences to gain a better understanding of what they are thinking and why they do what they do, and say what they say.
Chris Goodlett: I am a humble man by nature. The Principles, nobility, and values that guide a brother of Sig Tau are very meaningful to me and have reaffirmed and supported my core beliefs.
Matt Mueller: I can without a doubt say that Sig Tau was an invaluable contributor to my professional demeanor as well as my personal and professional values, notably regarding my ethical duties to the company I work for and my personal code of ethics. Sig Tau, to put it bluntly, made me into the man I am today. If I could go back knowing what I know now, I would have done more to get involved and to get others involved.
David Hill: As we hear about so much negativity regarding fraternities today, I am excited that we have quite a few new faces volunteering and at Headquarters who are bringing fresh ideas and are committed to continuous improvement and to our core Principles. It’s always nice to get that guy who is a “campus star,” but frankly, if the character isn’t there, he’s not Sig Tau material.

Q: Take yourself back to the year and semester you were initiated – in what way has Sig Tau impacted you the most?
Chris Goodlett: In addition to guiding Principles, reconnecting with my brothers in Epsilon Eta the past few years have helped remind me of the importance of brotherhood at this stage of my life.
David Hill: My college experience as a Sig Tau was like getting a test run at the outside world while still in college. As a “fraternity family” we experienced ups and downs. We learned some life lessons together and we had the support of each other. You don’t get that experience belonging to the business fraternity or your intramural football team. Fast forward 35 years and we are still enjoying the brotherhood and those relationships.
Ryan Raven: Sig Tau provided a platform to lead and serve. Learning that there is a time to lead by serving, but also a different time to lead by title depending on the situation. I was very fearful of other people’s opinions prior to Sig Tau; fearful about what others perceived or thought about me. Due to the chapter and overall collegiate experience, this fear is nearly gone. The real fear now is not trying something that I have an idea for. Now it’s about taking action, knowing that not everyone will agree and that’s okay.

Q: What brothers, active or alumni, were influential to you then, and maybe even now?
Ryan Raven: David Allen, Roy Bennett, Chris McClean, Jeff Buxman, Wally Fordyce and Trey Putnam and David Dudfield were key alumni.
During school, Tim Vesco, Jeremy Wardle, Jeremy Prue, Ross Nigro, and countless others. Many of these men were in my wedding, and I in theirs. They were absolutely critical in my personal development, campus development and chapter education that led to the Dent Man of Year, multiple McCune Awards and several other accomplishments that may never be duplicated in life as far as a team accomplishment and personal satisfaction. We look forward to yearly summer events at a destination like Vegas, Chiefs games, or Homecoming at the chapter house.
David Hill: I admire many of my brothers from Sigma Chapter. The one who stands out most is a brother that everyone admired, Don King, my “big brother.” He was an only child growing up and he loved Sig Tau and enjoyed the relationships of his brothers more than anyone I know. Don lost his life in an accident; he drowned in the act but succeeded in saving the life of his own daughter and the little girl of another Sig Tau brother.
Chris Goodlett: I have learned from many of my Epsilon Eta brothers. In particular, the leadership of Brothers John Barger and Jeff Arnett has taught me how to be a leader in my own life.
Matt Mueller: The most influential active members (influential for the right reasons) were Jesse DeFrain, and Tyler Misuraca.

Closing thoughts:
David Hill: Your time in college is short, get to know your brothers and sisters past the surface level. Take time to spend with each other outside of the social functions. Finally, if your Sig Tau experience stops at graduation, you’re missing out on the best part of being a part of this organization.
Ryan Raven: After joining Epsilon chapter, I gained a lifelong circle of influence with friends that I consider family. While the term Brother is often used and sometimes hurled with little thought, I truly gained people that I consider family and my brothers and would be there for them on a second’s notice if the phone were to ring.
Matt Mueller: I would recommend to anyone joining or thinking about joining to become as involved as possible. It may not seem like the cool thing to do at the time, but looking back I wish I could have forced myself to be in those uncomfortable situations more frequently because I believe that is the water that feeds the plant, allowing it (you) to grow.
These Men Now:
David Hill, Central Arkansas ’84 Chris Goodlett, Murray State ’94 Matt Mueller, Central Missouri ’14 Ryan Raven, Pittsburg State ’99 (Right)
Founded at the University of Central Missouri on June 28, 1920, the organization will commemorate its 100th Anniversary in 2020. With a presence on 83 campuses in 31 states, our membership includes more than 3,100 undergraduate men and more than 63,000 living alumni. The Headquarters, which is home to the Fraternity, Foundation, and WPN Housing Company, is located in Indianapolis, Indiana, 12 miles from the center of downtown. Visit for additional information.