More Than a House

For many members of Sigma Tau Gamma, they can look back on their collegiate experience and attribute many of their favorite moments and fondest memories to times spent at the Fraternity house.
To many, Sig Tau is not just a fraternity, and the Sig Tau house was not just a house – it’s home.
Home is where Brotherhood is formed and friendships are deepened. Home is where one can be themselves. Home is where one is comfortable, accepted, and celebrated. Home is where the late-nights spent studying turn into lasting memories. Home is where job applications are filled out and test scores are joyously boasted about. Home is where meals are shared, Monday Night Football is on TV, and your sports team is cheered on to victory.
Whether it was a floor of a residence hall, a stand-alone house, the academic room where chapter meeting was held, an apartment complex, or a friend’s house; the memories you made and the feelings you felt, were what made it home.
In honor of brothers across the country moving back into their homes this fall, let’s take a dive through the archives and look at some of the places Sig Tau has called home.
Zeta 1985 Chapter Unknown Theta 1994
Beta Chi
Alpha Sigma 1994 Alpha Phi 1994 Alpha Delta
Mu Gamma Chi Epsilon 1981 Alpha 1932
Gamma Xi Beta Phi Alpha Chi Beta Lambda
Founded at the University of Central Missouri on June 28, 1920, the organization will commemorate its 100th Anniversary in 2020. With a presence on 83 campuses in 31 states, our membership includes more than 3,100 undergraduate men and more than 63,000 living alumni. The Headquarters, which is home to the Fraternity, Foundation, and WPN Housing Company, is located in Indianapolis, Indiana, 12 miles from the center of downtown. Visit for additional information.