Jeff Scheumann & His Brotherhood Story

“I know there is a newer brother similar to me out there that I have talked to or maybe is just reading this, and one day they are going to realize that they are someone because they are a Sig Tau, and they are going to help out the next generation, not because they have to, but because they want to and can.”

Jeff Scheumann, Indiana State ’95 is one of our noble Founders Day Challenge Milestone Partners! Jeff described what being a man of Sig Tau meant to him, and why he continues to give his time, talent, and treasure to the Brotherhood.
“For any of the brothers that have met me over the years, you know I am a pretty simple, straight forward guy. When I joined Sig Tau in my college days, I was living four hours from home, and the friends that talked me into going back to finish my degree had not returned to school, so I was on my own, but I was committed to finishing my education because I did want a better life.
The Sig Tau brothers were pretty laid back and because I was a little older than they were, I thought I could bring something to the table that they were not used to, and I felt that they could also help and teach me.
Speed forward many years later, I landed at a company, that I am still with, and I felt that it was time for me to really be an active alumnus.
I knew I could bring wisdom. I could teach them about building relationships, and I could reconnect with brothers that I had common interests with. I came in with the mindset of not them needing to respect me, but the mindset of, if I want respect, I need to show respect. If I wanted their trust, I needed to trust them. If I wanted them to be my brother, I had to show them what being a brother is. And that is what I have done, and continue to do. No one has to respect me for being an alumnus of the organization, but I want to earn their respect. That is done by going out to grab lunch with them, meeting the brothers at a conference, and sitting down with them and listening to what they have to say.
I know the world is not the same as it was when I was in college, and I do not approach things that way, either. This is a new world, a new way of thinking, a new way of doing things, and a new way of communicating. I am lucky that I am able to adapt to this ever-changing world, too.
And lastly, I invest in the future of this brotherhood. This has become my family. I want to see us keep this brotherhood alive because it has helped me through the hard times, like when my mom passed away, and I want it to be there for others when they have those tragic moments in their life. But I also want the brotherhood there when they have the greatest celebrations such as marriage and growth of a family. I know I will never become a really big deal in the fraternity, but by investing some time and a few dollars into this organization, in my heart, I can feel like I am a big deal, because I know that what I am doing is helping the next generation have this same opportunity. I know there is a newer brother similar to me out there that I have talked to or maybe is just reading this, and that one day they are going to realize that they are someone because they are a Sig Tau, and they are going to help out the next generation, not because they have to, but because they want to and can.“
We’re pleased to highlight Jeff and his Sig Tau Story during this Founders Day Challenge. He is one of many brothers helping to Honor our History and Build our Future. Donate today to celebrate brothers like Jeff and help us raise $100,000 to celebrate Sig Tau’s 100 years of Brotherhood.
Founded at the University of Central Missouri on June 28, 1920, the organization will commemorate its 100th Anniversary in 2020. With a presence on 81 campuses in 29 states, our membership includes more than 2,700 undergraduate men and 63,000 living alumni. The Headquarters, which is home to the Fraternity, Foundation, and WPN Housing Company, is located in Indianapolis, Indiana, 12 miles from the center of downtown. Visit for additional information.