Make Your Sig Tau Experience a Memorable One

We are always one decision away from a completely different life. No matter how small or innocuous you think a choice may be, it’s led you to the current point you are in life. Now, think about what would’ve happened if you had never joined Sigma Tau Gamma. Your Sig Tau experience was a gift you never expected to receive, and it has added intangible value to your collegiate experience.
As your chapter is navigating formal and informal recruitment this academic year, let’s keep the many resources offered to you through the Sigma Tau Gamma Foundation and its many scholarships and grants at the front of your minds to make someone’s membership journey more accessible and affordable.
Even outside of individual chapter funds, there are opportunities for growth offered from a national level as well. Last year, Sig Tau launched the inaugural Recruitment Classic, a challenge designed to promote brotherhood and motivate recruitment success.
Chapters were divided into three divisions according to chapter size and paired against other chapters within the same division with the goal of coming out on top. After their chapters won their respective divisions in the first recruitment classic, six undergraduate members were given the opportunity to attend Grand Conclave Kansas City with their registration paid for.
Zeta Alpha Chapter member Ethan Benoist, Arizona State, said being able to attend Grand Conclave for free was an eye opening and life changing experience.
“GCKC was my first national conference and it felt really cool being there, especially as a sophomore. I felt like I was important and really saw some of my own hard work pay off,” said Benoist. “My favorite part of Grand Conclave was being able to spend a weekend with brothers who I otherwise probably wouldn’t have seen over the summer, and the traveling experience added a new city to the list of places I’ve been.”
While Benoist had an unforgettable experience, he knows it would not have been possible without the simple “yes” to an opportunity and a resource.
“My piece of advice to younger Sig Taus is to just take advantage of your resources. Sig Tau offers so many different things to elevate yourself so don’t be afraid to take the opportunities given to you by Headquarters, your alumni, and other active members to reach your full potential.”
As you and your Sig Tau brothers consider your own personal and stylized approach to recruitment, think about the transformative experience you’ve been able to share with one another. Reflect on your Sig Tau experience and take pride in the opportunity that you have to offer others and change their lives in the same way that it has changed yours.
Founded at the University of Central Missouri on June 28, 1920, Sigma Tau Gamma Fraternity celebrated 100 years of brotherhood in 2020. In the last 100 years, the organization has called 198 campuses home and has more than 75,000 initiated members. With a current presence on 63 campuses from coast to coast, our membership includes more than 2,500 undergraduate men. The Headquarters, which is home to the Fraternity, Foundation, and WPN Housing Company, is located in Indianapolis, Indiana. Visit for additional information.