Current Chapter President Reflects on his Noble Man Institute Experience

INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA – Matthew Dijamco, a Founding Father of the Zeta Lambda Associate Chapter at Nevada Reno has been actively involved in his chapter since he decided to join. The semester he joined, Sig Tau was expanding on campus, and the unique opportunity was something Matthew felt that he could not pass up.
“Sig Tau interested me since they were the only fraternity recruiting on my campus for Founding Fathers and wanted to create an entire new legacy,” Matthew said. “This immediately appealed to me since I consider myself as sort of a pioneer from my family, experiencing things that they never had the opportunity to, and tickled my nerve for leadership as I heard about all the work that Founders need to put in to create a solid foundation for our chapter.”
His desire for leadership opportunities was met when he was given the chance to attend Noble Man Institute.
“I thought [Noble Man Institute] would be a fun camping trip with my brothers. While the trip was fun, it was so much more than just a camping trip as Noble Man taught me what it really means to be a Sig Tau and how to make sure my chapter follows the same footsteps,”Ā Matthew said. “I learned many valuable lessons through the small group discussions we had and by talking to brothers from around the United States and learning how their chapter operates and what they do on a daily basis. I learned many different perspectives on the same topic which allowed me to think about Greek life in an entirely different way.”
To Matthew, Noble Man Institute has such an impact on his Sig Tau experience, that he believes more new members should have the opportunity to attend. “Others should experience this program not only because it is fun, but is a member’s first real taste of the world of Sig Tau,” Matthew said. “Noble Man allowed me to discover that Sig Tau was more than a fraternity, but a conscious effort to progress Greek life with a focus on safety, accountability, and just doing the right thing.”
After Noble Man Institute, Matthew jumped right into possibly the largest chapter leadership role – Chapter President. Matthew says that he takes pride in having the honor of representing the Zeta Lambda Associate Chapter and holding himself, and other members, up to the professional standards of a modern fraternity of the 21st century.
“I stayed in Sig Tau because it is more than just formal and philanthropy for us, but an entire journey with twists and turns and trials and treasures. I am growing into a more confident and wise individual and I only have Sig Tau to thank for it.”
If you want others to have the same transformative experience as Matthew, you can choose to sponsor an undergraduate and with your help, send him to a Noble Man Institute this November. Click hereĀ to find out how.
Founded at the University of Central Missouri on June 28, 1920, the organization will commemorate its 100th Anniversary in 2020. With a presence on 87 campuses in 31 states, our membership includes 3,000 undergraduate men and 61,000 living alumni. The Headquarters, which is home to the Fraternity, Foundation, and WPN Housing Company, is located in Indianapolis, Indiana, 12 miles from the center of downtown. Visit for additional information.