Our Brotherhood. The Foundation of Sig Tau.

(Pictured Left to Right): 1967 Dent Man of the Year W.P. “Buz” Barlow, Jr., JD, UW –
Oshkosh ’64, 2019 Dent Man of the Year Slade Downing, Lindenwood – Belleville ’15,
and 2012 Dent Man of the Year Joe Gallo, Michigan Tech ’08
At a young age, my father and mother instilled in me a set of principles and characteristics that they believed would make a successful man, and integrity was near the top. They always taught me that being true to myself and others would bring me peace of mind unlike anything else.
This foundation my parents set for me became stronger as I matured and found many of my personal values aligned perfectly with those of Sigma Tau Gamma.
Itβs hard to believe that it has been almost a year since I was honored as the Ellsworth C. Dent Man of the Year at Grand Conclave Phoenix. When I think back on my Sig Tau experience as an undergraduate member and now as a young alumni, I am incredibly grateful for the opportunities I was given to participate in national leadership programs, be mentored by staff and alumni, and help my brothers at Lindenwood β Belleville through the process of becoming a chartered chapter. What is even more important to me, though, are the relationships I have gained and the memories I have made with brothers from across the country.
Our Fraternity was built on a foundation of brotherhood, by 17 wise and noble men, who were determined to find their purpose. Join me in honoring our Fraternity, our founders, and the principles that have made us the noble men we are today. Your support of the Founders Day Challenge will help usher in the next generation of principled leaders, and possibly, the next Ellsworth C. Dent Man of the Year.

Founded at the University of Central Missouri on June 28, 1920, the organization will commemorate its 100th Anniversary in 2020. With a presence on 85 campuses in 31 states, our membership includes more than 3,100 undergraduate men and 61,000 living alumni. The Headquarters, which is home to the Fraternity, Foundation, and WPN Housing Company, is located in Indianapolis, Indiana, 12 miles from the center of downtown. Visit https://sigtau.org for additional information.