Undergraduate Leaders Today, Alumni Leaders Tomorrow

For Jake Popowaski, Southeastern Oklahoma, and George Ashmore, Robert Morris, national Sig Tau conferences helped broaden their knowledge and showed them Sig Tau is more than just the chapter they belong to.
Jake was initiated in 2021 and has served the Mu Chapter in multiple positions, including director of recruitment, standards board chairman, and now chapter president. Not only does he give back to his chapter, but also to his university, serving as IFC president.
“I was hesitant to join at first, but I got to sit down with a brother who is now my big, and we just chatted for about four hours one night.”
Not even a full year after joining, Jake was elected as the director of finance and pushed the chapter to make sound financial decisions.
“We were in debt and needed guys that owed to pay dues. We were able to get over $1,000 from guys who were no longer in the chapter. I’m most proud of that.”
Jake learned leadership, facilitation, and communication skills from attending events like Webb Academy and Noble Man Institute.
“Sig Tau has helped me harness skills that coming into college I wasn’t good at. Being able to share experiences with brothers and learn together in those group settings at programs, there is nothing like it.”
George, recently announced as a 2023 Noble Man Hall of Fame inductee, knows listening, organization, and adaptability are key to being successful in life. Initiated into the Delta Psi Chapter in 2019, George was a re-founding father and has been an integral part of the chapter’s success. He sharpened his skills over the past four years and attributes it all to Sigma Tau Gamma.
“One of the biggest things I’ve learned is listening to understand. I’ve learned that you have to listen as a chapter president, and you have to listen as a facilitator at a program like Noble Man Institute,” George said. “
George has also attended multiple national programs like Webb Academy and Grand Conclave, but his favorite is Noble Man Institute.
“With Noble Man, you are helping shape the newest members of the fraternity. You get the know them and help them learn and dig deeper as to why they joined. Watching them have that ah-ha moment and realize they can become something great is really cool.”
Sigma Tau Gamma and its programs help hundreds of brothers nationwide every year. The impact this fraternity has on today’s students helps create tomorrow’s leaders.