Your Story is Our Story

Ninety-seven years. We are on the verge of the 97th Anniversary of Sigma Tau Gamma. In the months and weeks leading to June 28, 2017, we have the opportunity to celebrate this milestone and reflect on how Sigma Tau Gamma has changed our lives.
The fraternity experience is unique for each member. We all come to Sigma Tau Gamma with a different point of view, but the fraternity brings us together through shared values and experiences. 2016 Dent Man of the Year, Jonathan Kittle, Auburn, recently reflected on his Sig Tau journey.
“My experience with Sig Tau has provided numerous opportunities to grow, learn, and lead, but I never had to change who I am to succeed. I will forever be grateful for the support I have received and the friendships I have made through the fraternity.”
Jonathan’s story is not unique. Sig Tau provides opportunities to young men across this country every day and has done so for nearly 97 years.
In the weeks leading up to Founders Day 2017, reflect on your experience. Think about what Sig Tau and your brothers mean to you. Don’t keep it to yourself. Share your story in a way that is meaningful to you. Pick up the phone and call a brother. Text your old college roommate. Share your story with SigTau HQ at or on social media by using #SigTau97.
Your story is the Sig Tau story. Let’s celebrate 97 in a big way in 2017.