144th Chapter Chartered At Florida Tech.

On Saturday, February 28, National President, Alyx Parker presented a charter to 54 members of the Epsilon Omega Chapter at the Florida Institute of Technology. Florida Tech. is the 144th chapter charted in the 95-year history of Sigma Tau Gamma.
The Chartering Ceremony was held on the Florida Tech. campus in the Denius Student Center in Melbourne, Florida and attended by more than 100 people. This marked the official recognition of the Epsilon Omega Chapter in Sigma Tau Gamma. Florida Tech. university officials, family members, and Sigma Tau Gamma alumni, attended this event. Also in attendance were CEO Steve Latour, Collegiate Services Coordinator Rick Day, former staff members Derek Kaimann, Truman State ’06, and Paul Manly, Salisbury ’09, and Director of Student Activities & Greek Life, Cat McGuire.
Sigma Tau Gamma Fraternity was founded by veterans of World War I in Warrensburg, Missouri at the University of Central Missouri. On June 28, 2020 it will commemorate its 100th Anniversary. Today, there are more than 3,000 undergraduate members on 69 college/university campuses in 24 states. There are 58,560 living alumni. The Fraternity is headquartered 60 miles east of downtown Kansas City, Missouri in Warrensburg. Learn more about the fraternity online at sigmataugamma.org.