24th National President Joseph Musselli, SIU Carbondale Enters Chapter Eternal

AUSTIN, TEXAS – Sigma Tau Gamma Headquarters has learned that 24th National President Joseph “Joe” Musselli, SIU Carbondale ’71, entered Chapter Eternal on August 19, 2021. Joe served as national president from 1986 – 1988, presiding over the Dale and Gretchen Atterberry Grand Conclave in Pittsburgh, PA.
Joe was initiated into the Alpha Sigma Chapter at Southern Illinois University in 1971 and served as chapter president in 1973. During his time as an undergraduate student, Joe wanted another chapter in the state of Illinois. With this thought, he traveled 250 miles north to Illinois State University to help start the Gamma Psi Chapter.
With his successful efforts of planting the Gamma Psi Chapter, Joe joined the Headquarters Staff as a field consultant from 1975 – 1978. While he was on staff, four chapters earned their charter, including the Gamma Omega Chapter at Baylor, the Delta Alpha Chapter at East Carolina, the Delta Beta Chapter at Duquesne, and the Delta Gamma Chapter at Texas.
CEO Emeritus Bill Bernier, Kent State, noticed Joe and his love for Sigma Tau Gamma during his first year as Executive Director.
“Joe was a very successful chapter president at Southern Illinois University. Moreover, joined by a few chapter brothers, Joe traveled to Illinois State University, where he started a new chapter. I decided that we needed his talent on our professional staff. He gave us unexcelled dedication and later as a volunteer leader, including as national president. Joe should be remembered as a consummate journeyman brother. We stand on his shoulders.”
Foundation Trustee and Society of the Seventeen Inductee Michael Matznick, Illinois State, shared that Joe is directly responsible for him joining Sigma Tau Gamma.
“Joe was one of the reasons that I became a member, and I followed him to the staff to work with Bill Bernier,” Matznick said. “If you ever called Joe on the phone, you could expect at least a two-hour call talking about fraternity and life. He was a special Brother in my life and in the lives of many of our brothers over his lifetime.
A celebration of life for Brother Joe will take place on September 18 in Austin, Texas .
If you have any fond memories, stories, or accounts of Joe, Headquarters Staff would love to hear from you. Please email noblemen@sigtau.org with the subject line “Joe Musselli Memory,” so that these beloved stories can be saved and used at a later date.