Black Hills State University (Lambda) Chapter Re-Established

SPEARFISH, SOUTH DAKOTA – On Tuesday, November 3, 2015, the Lambda Chapter of Sigma Tau Gamma was re-installed as a new Provisional Chapter in Spearfish, SD. The Provisional Chapter Installation and Officers Installation Ceremony was held in the Jonas Academic Building and welcomed 10 Re-Founding Fathers. The ceremony was conducted by Recruitment and Growth Coordinator Dean Anderson, Purdue ’12. Also in attendance for the ceremony were members of the Student Activities staff and friends of the Re-Founding Fathers.
Re-establishing the Provisional Chapter at Black Hills State marks the reactivation of the Lambda Chapter, which was originally chartered on November 11, 1928. The group of men that established the chapter had a desire to create a Greek Letter Fraternity on a campus where there are no such groups. They sought advice from the Student Activities Office and began researching organizations that would be willing to recognize them as a chapter before ultimately choosing Sigma Tau Gamma. Re-Founding Fathers of the Provisional Chapter are all freshman from South Dakota, Nebraska, and Colorado as well as Italy and Mexico. Their majors include Business, Sociology, Political Science, and Exercise Science.
On Wednesday, following the Installation, the Provisional Chapter participated in their first chapter meeting. During the meeting, the Provisional Chapter was introduced to the Path of Principles New Member Education Program and general chapter information and discussed chartering benchmarks. Provisional Chapter President Jason Schneider said,
I’m most looking forward to building a gentlemen’s tradition at Black Hills State.
Sigma Tau Gamma Fraternity was founded by veterans of World War I in Warrensburg, Missouri at the University of Central Missouri. On June 28, 2020 it will commemorate its 100th Anniversary. Today, there are more than 3,000 undergraduate members on 74 college/university campuses in 27 states. There are 58,560 living alumni. The Fraternity is headquartered 60 miles east of downtown Kansas City, Missouri in Warrensburg. Learn more about the fraternity online at
Black Hills State University is a public university founded in 1883 in Spearfish, SD.  The campus has an enrollment of nearly 4,500 undergraduate students in 80 programs, and its business program is in the top 5% of the world’s business accreditations. Sigma Tau Gamma marks the first Greek organization on the Black Hills State campus.