Grand Conclave Kansas City FAQ

This supreme governing body of Sigma Tau Gamma brings together generations of members to determine the direction of the Fraternity in the coming years. At Grand Conclave, guests will enjoy fraternal brotherhood through speakers, workshops, banquets, ritual and recognition ceremonies. The Brotherhood also elects the Fraternity President and Board of Directors, considers legislation, amendments to the Constitution and Laws and learns about Fraternity programs.
Below are some of the frequently asked questions for Grand Conclave Kansas City.
What is Grand Conclave?
The bi-annual meeting of the House of Delegates and gathering of Sigma Tau Gamma membership. This meeting brings together generations of members to determine the direction of the Fraternity in the coming years.
Who participates in the House of Delegates meetings?
The House of Delegates is the supreme legislative body of Sigma Tau Gamma. The House of Delegates is composed of both undergraduate leaders and alumni. Each active chapter and associate chapter is represented, registered alumni associations, Past National Presidents, Society of the Seventeen recipients, and the Fraternity Board of Directors are all a part of the House of Delegates.
How much will it cost to attend?
The cost to attend Grand Conclave varies from students to alumni to Friends of Sig Tau, for all registration options, please visit our registration information page.
Can I only attend the Chain of Honor Awards Gala only? If so, how much will that cost?
Yes, a registration option is available for those who only want to attend the Chain of Honor Awards Gala on the evening of June 25. The cost is $100 for adults and $50 for children 12 and under.
When is the deadline to register?
May 20, 2022
Are their additional costs to registration to attend Grand Conclave Kansas City?
Full registration includes hotel accommodations, five meals, two meal vouchers, and all program materials. All participants are responsible for their own travel to and from the Grand Conclave hotel. Additional money may be necessary for Friday dinner on your own, Saturday breakfast, to purchase items from the Sig Tau Marketplace, and to participate in on-site fundraising activities of the Sigma Tau Gamma Foundation.
I am an alumnus interested in sponsoring an undergraduate’s registration to the event. How do I sponsor someone’s attendance?
Alumni or Friends of Sig Tau who are interested in sponsoring an undergraduate should visit our Foundation at Grand Conclave webpage or contact Headquarters at 317-644-1920.
Are chapter funds through the Sigma Tau Gamma Foundation available to cover undergraduate registration and travel expenses?
Yes, chapter funds are an option chapters can use to help assist in registration and travel costs. To learn more about chapter funds, please visit our chapter funds webpage.
How will we be honoring 100 years of Sigma Tau Gamma during this event?
Various events will be held to honor 100 years of history including the Chain of Honor Reception and Gala, an excursion to the World War I Museum and Memorial, display of national and chapter archives, and program content.
What will be offered for participants that will not be in the House of Delegates meetings?
A full schedule of events is available on the website. Undergraduates not attending the House of Delegates meetings will participate in Friday’s service track, attend all meals included with registration costs, and the excursion to the World War I Museum and Memorial. Alumni and guests have the option to participate in Friday’s service track. They will also attend all meals included with registration costs, and the excursion to the World War I Museum and Memorial.
Will face coverings be required for the event?
Currently, regardless of vaccination status, Headquarters Staff, volunteers, and participants will be required to wear face coverings unless they are actively eating or drinking.
Do I have to provide proof of vaccination or a negative COVID test to attend the event?
Yes, proof of vaccination or proof of a negative COVID test is required within 72 hours of arrival to Kansas City, Missouri. Headquarters staff will begin collecting this information after registration closes.
What if I have been exposed to or tested positive to COVID within 72 hours of arrival to Kansas City?
We will follow CDC guidance and will address every situation individually.
Founded at the University of Central Missouri on June 28, 1920, Sigma Tau Gamma Fraternity celebrated 100 years of brotherhood in 2020. In the last 100 years, the organization has called 197 campuses home and has more than 73,000 initiated members. With a current presence on 70 campuses from coast to coast, our membership includes nearly 2,500 undergraduate men. The Headquarters, which is home to the Fraternity, Foundation, and WPN Housing Company, is located in Indianapolis, Indiana.