2014 Webb Academy Deans Announced

Published on June 28, 2013 in News, Press Releases

Erik Kahl, WCMF, Beta Kappa ’10 (University of Wisconsin-La Crosse) and Andrea Weber have been named the deans for the 2014 Earl A. Webb Academy of Principled Leaders. Together, they will lead the leadership academy for chapter presidents. Kahl served as the 2013 Webb Academy Assistant dean, alongside Bill Searcy, WCMF, Beta ’75. This year, Kahl will serve as the dean of the Webb Academy and will educate upcoming chapter presidents on leadership, ritual and chapter management.

In 2010, Kahl was an Ellsworth C. Dent Man of the Year finalist and has served as the provisional chapter mentor for the Epsilon Sigma Chapter at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville. He is a recipient of the D. Kenneth Winebrenner Distinguished Service Award at the 45th Grand Chapter in 2012. Kahl currently serves as the Lakeland District Director.

Sigma Tau Gamma to Expand to the University of Cincinnati

Published on April 25, 2013 in News, Press Releases

During the Fall 2013 semester, Sigma Tau Gamma will expand to the University of Cincinnati. Sig Tau has never previously had a chapter at the University of Cincinnati.

“This is a great expansion opportunity for Sig Tau,” says Director of Expansion Michael Smoll, Delta ’03. “The University of Cincinnati is regarded as the premier leader in cooperative education and is nationally recognized for its academics. The fraternity and sorority community is very active on campus and in the community and has an excellent reputation.”

Beta Theta Receives Charter

Published on March 26, 2013 in News, Press Releases

On Sunday, March 24, 37th National President Tom Morgan, Phi ’85, presented the Beta Theta charter to 92 men at Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana. The ceremony marked the return of Beta Theta Chapter to campus, which was originally chartered on October 8, 1959 and was active until 1965. Beta Theta was then re-chartered on April 5, 1986 and was active until 1998.

Epsilon Tau Receives Charter

Published on March 19, 2013 in News, Press Releases

On Sunday, March 17, 37th National President Tom Morgan, Phi ’85 presented the Epsilon Tau Charter to 50 men at The University of North Carolina at Charlotte in Charlotte, North Carolina. This is the first Sigma Tau Gamma Chapter chartered at this university.

Theta PC Reinstalled

Published on March 14, 2013 in News, Press Releases

On Saturday March 9, Sigma Tau Gamma reinstalled the Theta provisional chapter at Northwest Missouri State University. The Theta provisional chapter welcomed many friends, family members, alumni and campus professionals to attend the event that included several ceremonies, a retreat and a pizza party with much enthusiasm and celebration.

Gamma Phi Receives Charter

Published on February 20, 2013 in News, Press Releases

Sigma Tau Gamma Chief Executive Officer, William P. Bernier, Iota ’71, presented a charter on Sunday, February 17th, to collegiate members of the Gamma Phi Provisional Chapter at the University of Southern Indiana in Evansville, IN. The installation ceremony was held on the campus of the University of Southern Indiana for the collegiate men and alumni who helped restart the chapter, officially welcoming them to the Brotherhood of Sigma Tau Gamma.

Sigma Tau Gamma to Expand to Oklahoma State University

Published on February 11, 2013 in News, Press Releases

On Monday, February 18th, Sigma Tau Gamma will expand to Oklahoma State University. Sig Tau has never previously had a chapter at Oklahoma State University.

“This is a very exciting expansion opportunity for Sig Tau,” says Michael Smoll, Sigma Tau Gamma’s Director of Expansion. “The Oklahoma State University fraternity and sorority community is a nationally recognized award winning community with very high standards.”

Brother Stan “The Man” Musial Dies at Age 92

Published on January 21, 2013 in News, Press Releases

Brother Stan “The Man” Musial, Beta Iota Hon. (California University of PA) died Saturday, January 19, 2013, in suburban St. Louis, MO. A native Donora, in southwestern Pennsylvania, Musial became associated with Sigma Tau Gamma through Past President Paul Pfeiffer, Pi ’35 (Indiana University of PA), a childhood friend who was one of his high school teachers.

Auburn Provisional Chapter Installed

Published on December 5, 2012 in News, Press Releases

On Saturday December 1, Sigma Tau Gamma conducted the Ceremony of Installation at Auburn University. The Auburn University provisional chapter welcomed over 100 friends, family members, and many Sigma Tau Gamma brothers who traveled from Tuscaloosa, New Orleans, and Houston. This is the first time Sigma Tau Gamma has had a provisional chapter at Auburn University.

Kappa Receives Charter

Published on November 19, 2012 in News, Press Releases

37th National President Tom Morgan presented a charter on Saturday, November 10, to the Kappa Provisional Chapter of the University of Wisconsin – Whitewater in Whitewater, WI. The installation ceremony was held on the campus of the University of Wisconsin – Whitewater for the men who helped restart the chapter, officially welcoming them to the Brotherhood of Sigma Tau Gamma.

Alabama Provisional Chapter Installed

Published on November 5, 2012 in News, Press Releases

On Saturday, October 20, Sigma Tau Gamma conducted the Ceremony of Installation at the University of Alabama. The University of Alabama provisional chapter welcomed about 100 family, friends, and students to watch the ceremony. This is the first time Sigma Tau Gamma has had a provisional chapter at the University of Alabama.