
Endeavor Day One Recap

Published on June 22, 2017 in News, Press Releases

Day one of Endeavor is complete. Brothers arrived from around the country to join together, make connections, and continue to endeavor forward. Below you will find highlights from today. Kickoff and Welcome Sessions Endeavor Minneapolis kicked off today with the Keynote Speaker, Sailesh Jiawan. The energy in the room was high as Sailesh led everyone […]

The Honor of National White Rose Sweetheart

Published on June 13, 2017 in News, Press Releases

“She wears the badge of Sigma Tau, she’s the sweetest flower that grows. She’s Sigma Tau’s own sweetheart, she’s Sigma Tau’s own Rose”. These words of “The Rose of Sigma Tau” were sung in unison by 500 Sig Tau gentlemen as they centered their focus on the new 2016-2017 National White Rose. Only moments before, […]

Three New Faces to Recruitment & Growth Team

Published on June 9, 2017 in News, Press Releases

Warrensburg, MO – Sigma Tau Gamma Headquarters is proud to announce we are welcoming three new full-time staff members. Joey Haire, Winona State, and Ben Nelson, Washington State will serve as Recruitment & Growth Coordinators; Zachary Greenemay, SIU Edwardsville, will serve as Senior Recruitment & Growth Coordinator. They will assist in expansion projects, guide chapters […]

2017 Undergraduate Hall of Fame is Announced

Published on May 24, 2017 in News, Press Releases

Ten noble men have been announced as the inductees for the 2017 Undergraduate Hall of Fame. These men were selected by past Dent Man of the Year recipients after a rigorous application and selection process. Not only is it one of the highest honors an undergraduate member can achieve, with the selection, each Hall of Fame […]

Fall 2017 Expansion Snapshot

Published on May 13, 2017 in News, Press Releases

Sigma Tau Gamma is excited to be expanding to seven campuses this upcoming fall semester. Four of the seven universities our chapters are returning to, and three expansions will be schools new to Sig Tau. Here is a snapshot of information about each of the seven institutions Sig Tau will call home this fall. Minnesota […]

Day Departs HQ Staff

Published on May 10, 2017 in News, Press Releases

WARRENSBURG, MO – Associate Director of HQ Operations, Rick Day, Illinois, has announced he will be departing the Sigma Tau Gamma Headquarters Staff. Day is taking a new position as the Program Manager at CROYA in Lake Forest, Illinois. CROYA is an acronym for “Committee Representing Our Young Adults.” Since 1980, CROYA has been charged […]

Brotherhood is not four years; it is a lifetime

Published on April 28, 2017 in News, Press Releases

By Erik Kahl & Greg Ward “A Brotherhood cannot be described, only experienced,” was a phrase used in the slideshow that flashed images of the chapter’s events and brotherhood over the last 20 years. It stood as a broader message of the way the Beta Kappa Chapter at UW – La Crosse has chosen to […]

Your Story is Our Story

Published on April 12, 2017 in News, Foundation

Ninety-seven years. We are on the verge of the 97th Anniversary of Sigma Tau Gamma. In the months and weeks leading to June 28, 2017, we have the opportunity to celebrate this milestone and reflect on how Sigma Tau Gamma has changed our lives. The fraternity experience is unique for each member. We all come […]

Polar Plunge: Freezin’ for Over 100 Years

Published on March 22, 2017 in News

It was the morning of January 28, 2017, in Annapolis, MD.  The temperature had dropped to a mere 35 degrees and the water in the Chesapeake Bay is frigid. As many people were set to carry out their regular weekend activities, thousands of others had a different plan on that cold morning; a plan that […]

Former HQ Staff Member Ed Curtis Passes

Published on March 15, 2017 in News, Press Releases

SUNRISE BEACH, MO – Sigma Tau Gamma Headquarters has learned that Edgar (Ed) L. Curtis, Central Missouri ’65, passed away on Monday, March 13, 2017. Curtis was born on May 7, 1946, in Hamilton, Mo., to Orson and Vesta (McCrary) Curtis. He grew up in Hamilton where he was involved in high school athletics, including […]

Top Tips for Having a Safe & Fun Spring Break

Published on March 7, 2017 in News

The sun is beginning to shine later and later in the evening, baseball and golf are back on television, and the temperature is warming up, that can only mean one thing; spring is finally starting to arrive. We know with spring, comes traveling, beaches, and spring break. Since we are the Noble Men of Sigma […]