Chapter Standards

Chapter Standards

The Fraternity’s first annual report, the McCune, was created in 1966 and provided a standard for achievement and recognition for all chapters of Sigma Tau Gamma. For years, the McCune Annual Report served as Sig Tau’s way of collecting information to better tell the Fraternity’s story and determine areas of excellence and areas of need for chapters. In our Centennial year, we have updated the scoring and structure for the McCune Annual Report, benchmarks for our chapters, and the process in which chapters receive worthy recognition.

The new annual report, the Chapter Standards, will allow chapters to focus on 18 key operational objectives in seven functional areas.  The Chapter Standards document includes all the important dates and deadlines that support the completion of the standards. The Chapter Standards act as a road map to not only support the ideals and goals of our chapters, but also incorporate the Principles set by our Fraternity: Learning, Integrity, Excellence, Leadership, Citizenship, and Brotherhood.

Every chapter must meet the 18 Chapter Standards each year and submit the Chapter Standards Report – due on April 15.

The Chapter Standards Report will be accessed through SmarterSelect and will be available to access in January 2025. While most data required in the Chapter Standards will be collected by Headquarters staff on the chapter’s behalf, the report will ask chapters to submit key pieces of data to support their completion of some of the Chapter Standards (such as proof and tracking of its members’ completion of service hours, a copy of the chapter’s constitution and by-laws, etc.).

Review the Chapter Standards and Important Dates and Deadlines Guide

Submit Your Chapter Standards Report

Chapter Awards

Sigma Tau Gamma is proud to recognize the outstanding achievements of our undergraduate chapters. The process of applying for Chapter Awards will be optional. Chapters can choose to apply for any number of the following awards. Some awards – noted below – do not require an application as recipients are selected solely on Chapter Standards data.

Note: Many chapter award applications require the submission of letters of recommendation or support. You are encouraged to explore application requirements prior to the award application deadline and to accommodate for requesting letters of recommendation.

Applications for the 2024-2025 Academic Year are currently open and close April 15, 2025!



Edward H. McCune Distinguished Chapter Award
Awarded only to the highest performing chapters who demonstrate excellence in all areas of chapter operations as evidenced by completion of the Chapter Standards, the embodiment of the Six Principles of the Fraternity, and proof of campus and community endorsement.

Apply for the Edward H. McCune Distinguished Chapter Award

Ronald W. Erickson Alumni Engagement Award
Awarded to chapters that best demonstrate the Principle of Brotherhood through continued communication and interaction with chapter and area alumni.

Apply for the Ronald W. Erickson Alumni Engagement Award

Bernier Family Communication Award
Awarded to the chapters with the most impressive communication strategy including the use of the Sig Tau brand and utilization of printed materials and social media pages to positively tell their chapter’s story to the community-at-large.

Apply for the Bernier Family Communication Award

Michael Schermer & Doug Lichtenberger Foundation Advocate Award
Awarded to chapters who have taken the initiative to reinvest in their chapter and the future of the organization through the Sigma Tau Gamma Foundation.

Apply for the Michael Schermer & Doug Lichtenberger Foundation Advocate Award

Thomas M. Hutsell Chapter Efficiency Award
Awarded to chapters who practice effective and efficient chapter management as demonstrated by meeting reporting deadlines and maintaining operational and financial integrity.

Apply for the Thomas M. Hutsell Chapter Efficiency Award

Earl A. Webb Most Improved Chapter Award
Awarded to chapters who demonstrate the greatest year-over-year improvement in each of the functional areas of the Chapter Standards.

Apply for the Earl A. Webb Most Improved Chapter Award

W.T. “Bill” Hembree Campus Leadership Award
Awarded to those chapters who best embody the Principle of Leadership, with members who are actively involved in leadership positions in diverse campus organizations outside of Sigma Tau Gamma and who participate at the national level by attending Sig Tau programs for leadership development and member enrichment.

Apply for the W.T. “Bill” Hembree Campus Leadership Award

Robert N. Jones Charitable Projects Award
Awarded to chapters who best embody a spirit of giving and the Principle of Citizenship through philanthropic efforts and service to their campuses, communities, and Sigma Tau Gamma’s National Philanthropy – Special Olympics.

Apply for the Robert N. Jones Charitable Projects Award

Alumni Association Award of Distinction (Alumni Associations Only)
Awarded only to the highest performing alumni associations who demonstrate excellence and exemplify the purpose of their association by encouraging alumni engagement, demonstrating support of and connection to the alumni association’s alma mater, engaging at a national level through national programs and other volunteer opportunities, and by providing support for an undergraduate chapter or undergraduate members.

Apply for the Alumni Association Award of Distinction



Christopher J. Mauer Man-Mile Award
Awarded to the chapter who sends the most members, the furthest distance, to attend the annual summer conference.

J. Gregory Rumpf Recruitment & Growth Award
Awarded to the chapters who excel in recruitment and growth as evidenced by recruiting and initiating the most overall number of new members (as a percentage of the active chapter members) during the academic year.

Preference will be given to chapters who meet the minimum Chapter Standards – particularly those related to the Recruitment and Retention Standard.

Dr. Emmett Ellis Chapter Scholarship Award
Awarded to chapters who demonstrate their drive for academic excellence and the Principle of Learning by achieving the highest overall grade point average in the two semesters of the previous calendar year.

Preference will be given to chapters who meet the minimum Chapter Standards – particularly those related to the Academics Standard.